<aside> 💡 This page will present a short introduction to the leveling system.

Disclaimer: Note that this page is subject to change. Currently you cannot use the Venari yet nor can you get perks so you're leveling somewhat blindly purely based on either 1. you like the Venari and just want to level it either way or 2. to experiment. Besides that, no real reason to level now.

TL;DR, no real reason to level currently unless you want to experiment where I’d personally only recommend leveling to level 10 as it’s otherwise too demanding resource wise.


Leveling System (Essences, Shards and Kores)

1. Essences (Venari powering up, Venari-specific).

2. Universal Essences (Venari powering up, universal).


3. Shards (premium currency).

4. Kores (level caps).